I know some of us have and do read
The Pioneer Woman blog. It took me a while to breakdown and read something called Pioneer Woman. I wanted nothing to do with it. It sounded like quilting, canning and mom jeans to me. If you haven't read this blog, its worth a look. The author is really funny, a great photographer, cook and a total mess. She has so many fun things to see on her blog. She is also highly infatuated with her husband. She has written their personal
love story and its really good too. Anyway she takes lots of pictures of him and raves about how hot she thinks he is. So here is my reply...
Yesterday my husband decided to chop a cord of wood leftover from the tree that died in our front yard. I snuck up on him and took some pictures. He thought I was taking pictures of the babies. Fair warning, there are muscles in these pictures...
And he pauses to catch babies. What a man! So to our fabulous daddy... Thank you for being my husband, our daddy, our fix it man, our provider and for making it possible for us to do all of the things we love to do... and for chopping that wood. We love you.
go M! we had lots of tree hacking going on around here too. must be something in the air. I do love PW, but haven't read the love story yet...how can it be so long!?!
Meredith, this is my favorite blog entry of yours to date. You do have the most wonderful husband. And he is WAY hotter than Marlborough Man!!!!
My arm hairs are standing up! So cute!
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