Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'd like to get off please...

Tools of the trade
I think I got on the post-partum emotional roller coaster this morning and I'd like to get off. I have the hardest time letting go even when I am partially incapacitated, like if I have a baby glued to my boob or something. Sweet Michael keeps saying, "just go rest, take a nap" and I can't. I feel like a worthless lump of bad hair and boobie pads. Not good. I know in my head that I should take advantage of my fabulous husband that can do everything and does, but I kind of think its embarrassing or something to just loll about. There is a list of things I ought to be doing scrolling through my head that just won't turn off. Waaahh...

1 comment:

Pansy said...

Sweet Meredith -you are going to be just fine...I'm sure of it. Eccl 3:1 says To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. This IS the season to be comforted,to rest and look around and enjoy what you are blessed with...There are so many things as you well know. Its not just okay to take advantage of this time in your life - it is the time to actually do it. Remember how when the Isralite soldiers got married in the Old Testament-they were expected to stay home with their new bride for a whole year. A whole year of wonderfulness-and even when they saw their best friends marching off to some battle-they couldn't feel guilty because this was God's idea to stay home!! This is a wonderful time for you-its OKAY to just sit on the couch and eat bon bons.

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