Thursday, February 28, 2008


Tidbit number 1:

Brother has outgrown the newborn diapers and is now in 1s. Gasp! Why do mommies get so sad over bigger diaper sizes? I do know the answer, but it is so funny that we all do it and all know that it is a staple topic of conversation among mommies.

Tidbit number 2:

The graffiti aritst that I have been a huge fan of for probably 5 years actually came over to my house today!! "What?" you say. Long story, but I hunted him down and, after an arrest for his illegal artform, he has become a legitimate artist. I commissioned him to do a piece for us/me. I am sooooooo excited and can't wait to see what he comes up with. I mean look at that cute girl he graffiti-ed on a box car... Driving through Dallas and seeing something cute like that in an unexpected place is so much fun and made me love this guy. For some reason I never thought he was a real person that I would actually talk to, but he is and yay!

Just something cute about Yates:
He squeezes your hands and fingers with a serious death grip when you are holding his pacifier in his mouth for him. I think its so cute b/c it seems like he likes to hold hands. He will fall asleep holding on so tight and if you move at all he is awake and unhappy. I think he's saying, "Why did you move? We were holding hands." What a sweet boy...

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