He's back now!!! Big muscles and all!
Playing an iphone game together... without fighting : )
Didn't get to finish this yesterday because Rex turns into a pumpkin at 9p sharp, but we had the best school morning yesterday. Slowly but surely I'm getting good at this three baby thing. We were right on time and didn't even have to rush around. It was fabulous! I got lots of things done on my list and had a great day in general. Those productive days have been few a far between lately, like for the last 4 months! S and Y came home with their Valentines and loved going through them and eating all of the candy. They both designed and made the ones they gave out and they turned out so cute. Yates' were bulldozers with hearts in the scooper and Stella's were... "abstract-one-of-a-kind-numbers." I don't know how I didn't get pictures of them... weird.
This girl never ceases to amaze me! "Look mommy! I cut up some paper and built an Eiffel Tower!"
Today we are having a Texas blizzard! It has been snowing since at least 6am. I dug out the babies' snow suits cut all of those "room to grow" seams out (took forever!!) and they had big fun in the snow. (Side story) Yates cut his finger earlier on a pipe cleaner (who knows) but we had some GI Joe band-aids that Gigi brought us that were Michael's when he was little (for real) so he was fine until he got snow in his mitten and on his boo boo. He then started to cry because his "pingo" (finger) hurt and he had to go back in. It was fun either way! I can't believe how much snow is out there!
ohmygoodness...forget the skit, these snowsuits are cracking me up!! poor M. that sounds about like B's birthday when I was fresh out of the hospital. Maybe we should treat them to a ski trip next year :)
aren't those suits hilarious! SJ chose hers herself. we though it would make it easier to get her in it if she liked it. amen to the ski trip! they would love it and hopefully we will have better birth control ; )
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