Friday, May 28, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Denise's Journey
Dear Mrs. Brown,
I wanted to write to thank you for sharing your story with us and for allowing my daughter Stella (a baby chick) to take part of City Ballet and the recital this year. My entire family was so moved by the recital. The content, choreography, costume design and ballet dancers were more beautiful, touching, provoking, professional, captivating, emotional and thorough than I ever imagined. I don’t know if I can put into words how impressed we were with the entire production, how honored and thankful we were to be a part of it and how proud we are to have done so.
I have personally had a life long draw to the Jewish people and their suffering throughout World War II. When other children were reading Nancy Drew and Amelia Bedelia, I was reading biographies of Jewish children who had survived that terrible time in history. Strangely, my grandfather was raised in Emhouse and that is the part of the production that Stella represented. It is so amazing how life works, but it did make Denise’s Journey even more special and a bit personal for us.
We look forward to many more years with you all and with City Ballet. Thank Mrs. Evelyn for always being so kind to Stella for us. Thank you again for the stunning portrayal of your story and for allowing us to also “touch heaven.”
Meredith Grabham
Sunday, May 23, 2010
May in a Big Nutshell
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Super Duper Pooper 5.6.2010
So what I get for complaining about poop is a record breaking poop-a-thon. Fortunately, all of the real drama happened two days ago and out of self-preservation my memory has erased most of the gory details. To sum it up, Oscar Butter got the Number 3s and throw ups and I have cleaned up 14 disgusting accidents from him alone in 3 days!!! Some other biggies were: Rex did one of those poops up to his shoulder blades and needed a bath and new clothes. While I was trying to clean him up, Yates threw up all over my feet. The other doozie was the first rattle out of the box, the morning after I typed the last post I was sitting up in bed with Rex. He was just waking up and was sitting on my stomach leaning back on my knees and he pooped all over me and it went in my belly button! I mean! Gag! It hard to get anything done around here with all of this scrubbing and cleaning and sanitizing I’m doing. I’m nearly germaphobic too, which doesn’t help. Most normal people could probably wipe most of this up and be done with it, but not me. I am spraying everything I can find on this stuff and topping it off with some bleach. Eeeewww….
The babies have all been extra good today. I only had to clean up one dog #3, so that was nice. Rex has learned how to put his pacifier in his mouth on his own. He’s not 100%, but it’s a good thing he’s learning. He also is loving his little giraffe binkie that Erinn gave him. He hugs it next to his face and its sooooo cute!
This weekend, we are having Rex baptized and are having both sets of grandparents in for the big day and Mother’s Day. (We also have a ballet rehearsal and 2 birthday parties to squeeze in) Yay!
Lastly, I get very nice random surprise comments from people who have read the blog. Thank you for reading! I love it! But, what I would really love is for readers to comment (if you have a second.) I never know who is reading and would love to. Thanks!
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Poop Bloggy Blog
I have said this a thousand times, but the days just fly past me. During the day, I’m thinking, “OMG, I’m not going to make it through lunch if I hear my name one more time,” or “What am I going to do with all of these kids for 12 hours?” or “I can’t even keep my eyes open I am so tired… Oh its only 11am.” I’m trying to say that the days feel like they drag on and on, but then I look up and its May. I swear I missed all of April and whatever those other months were after Rex was born. Are we sure we had April this year? I know we had my mom’s birthday and Easter on the 4th. The rest of the month I don’t think happened. So weird.
So I’d really like to blog every day. And I’m thinking of renaming the blog Poop Bloggy Blogg. Doesn’t that sound fabulous? It does to me, but then I remember a few things. There are a lot of basic, normal things that I don’t do every day like make my bed, take a vitamin, let me think… bathe! I also remember that not everyone loves Snoop as much as I, or deals with as much Poop as do I. It makes sense to me, but might sound atrocious to a passerby.
"breakfast on the go"
On this poop tangent, I wonder every day how blue I would glow if a CSI wanded me for fecal matter. No matter how much hot water, soap and sudsing to the Happy Birthday song I do, I still feel like there is just too much poop around here. Today I made the mistake of taking SYR into a store with no one trapped or tied down into or onto anything. S and Y were on foot (not crammed in a buggy) and I was carrying R. Guess what. Yates needed to tee tee. This is great, but the boy as I mentioned before tries to completely disrobe and touches the potty as you would a steering wheel… all around. SICK! I tried my best to make a toilet paper nest and keep him on it, but it was futile. He also managed to wriggle out of his underwear and shorts despite me squatting there, squishing R, trying to hold Y on the potty and keep his clothes on his foot. I just take a deep breath and think, one thing at a time. We’ll get him 100% perfect with this potty thing, then we’ll work on his form. What’s a little more fecal at this point? I do still get the chilly willys at this thought as I feign stoicism. Its just disgusting and I do apologize for sicking anyone out.
The good parts about this particular errand are:
1. Yates fell in love with this Spider Man book that your mommy is supposed to insert a picture of your face into everywhere Spider Man’s face should be. He carried it around, tried to make me carry it around, but I told him we weren’t buying it. I’m sure we could have, but it never ends. They always want something and have more toys than anyone should have. Anyway, at the door I told him to put it down. I did not want to, but he did it!!! No fit, no tears. Amazing! Yay!
2. As we walked out the door Stella exclaimed, “That store was so beautiful and filled with so many things I couldn’t even choose what I wanted!!!”
We were at Michael’s…
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