Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We are so excited to have been getting some warmer weather and its making me need to shop! So I've been doing a big clean out and listing things on ebay (inspired by Kelly). If you need any spring clothing. Check out what I've listed. I'll be putting more up soon. My seller id is mgrabham.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

so sleepy...

So I have learned (as a mom of three - hilarious) that as soon as you figure out your baby, something changes and the thing you figured out doesn't work anymore. But for now, Rex is officially figured out. He was going through that terrible over tired, crying and batting his arms until 2am thing at night, but it seems to be over. I was reading and reading, trying to figure out what to do and trying all of the things I was reading. None of them were working and I think everything I tried only made it worse. The general consensus was to get "the baby" on an Eat, Sleep, Play cycle and try to keep them awake during the day. Well no thanks! This boy does not want to be kept awake for any reason at any time. The more sleep he gets, the better he sleeps. My mom said, "Well, he is yours." I do love my sleep! I guess I should have thought about that before going and getting 3 kids! Anyway, Rex did not enjoy being messed with and woken up to eat or get a new diaper or play. It looks like I might have another little boss on my hands. He knows what he wants and when he wants it. I'm just on standby which is great for me. Oh and hallelujah, the boy loves the baby bjorn! Stella and Yates probably spent a total of 3 hours combined in one. Rex is more like 3+ hours a day! Love it!!!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


No one looked good... oh well
I have all 3 babies sleeping at the same time for the first time ever and I feel like its Wednesday. Its not Wednesday. Its a bad sign when you starting rushing the week away so early on. Today is absolutely fabulous outside! Its 70 without a single cloud in the sky. I want to be out there in it, but opted to fold clothes instead. Ahh the life!

Poor SJ is sick. She came to get in our bed last night and had 102 fever. Since Rex sleeps in our bed, sweet daddy Michael took her upstairs and slept with her. She has a yucky cough and runny nose and is taking the first nap she has had in ages! Thats how we know she's sick. She always says she feels fine until she just can't go on and passes out somewhere. If she knew she was missing ballet right now, she'd feel perfectly fine. I'm glad she is getting some rest.

This may come out kind of weird but yesterday I decided to try an experiment with Yates. He has been just a little ornery lately and seemed like nothing was getting through to him. It was starting to look like he was enjoying being in trouble and Stella was getting used to it too. He was randomly asking me if he was in trouble even when he wasn't and even asked me for a spanking. It was kind of like he was expecting to be in trouble, so if he wasn't he would just do something bad. He was comfortable there. So sad. We had gotten into the habit of snapping at him and even Stella was doing it. I told Stella what our plan was and so we started to just love on him and treat him the way we treat him when he is at his best. I made up a story about him being a good boy that repeated over and over and he really lit up. The entire evening Stella and I tried really hard to be extra sweet to Yates and you know what? He was an absolute perfect angel. He was hugging and kissing everyone, even the dogs, using perfect manners, sharing, not whining, obeying the first time, he was amazing! I feel terrible that we were encouraging him to be bad and am so happy that I was able to see it sooner than later. The days are so hectic sometimes its hard to slow down and concentrate on what is really going on.

This morning we were making our grocery list and Stella said, "Mom, don't forget the dots (periods) after all of the stuffs on our list." She was wanting me to punctuate our bread. milk. cheese. yogurt. . Once again, I haven't taught her about punctuation b/c I didn't realize it was necessary or time. So I attempted to explain why and where we use a dot/period. She sighed a long sigh and said, "...ok mom, just give it to me, I'll do it." And she did. So funny.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

"Don't tee-tee on Spider Man"

This is big. Really big. (First a little background. Yates is not potty trained, but I really think he could/should be.) Last night Stella, Yates and I were all in the powder room going potty when Yates decides that he wants to sit on the little baby potty. So he takes off ALL of his clothes and sits on the potty. Nothing happened, so I didn't make any big deal out of it and offered him a diaper or underwear. He chose underwear and we went to pick them out. He chose Spider Man and I told him, "You can wear these underwear, but don't tee-tee on Spider Man. He will not like that." So a bit later, Yates gasped, "Ahhh, Mommy, tee-tee!" So, I just said "Well, ok, go to the potty. Do you want me to help you?" Yates, "No, I do it. Not want mommy to hope (help) me" A minute later he comes out, "I did it!" Sure enough. He totally did. We celebrated and give him the jelly beans and cookie dough (yes cookie dough) we've been promising for months. I can't believe he just did that all by himself. Obviously the make a big deal out of going to the potty approach was not his style. The man needed some privacy. He's been in a diaper today b/c we've been out, but we'll see how he does after his nap today. I didn't get a picture due to his privacy issue, but we did get a video of him running around in his new shoes and underwear afterwards.

Stella's latest:
After I mentioned that Rex has his days and nights mixed up:
"Mommy, I have a great idea. Since Rex likes to sleep in the day and be awake at night, I will come and sleep in your room with you, so I can babysit your baby for you and you can have some rest." What a sweet girl!
When seeing the spotlights on the Olympics figure skaters:
"Mommy! Mommy! See those big circle lights following them?! I need some of those!"
Randomly in the car:
"Mommy, I really want to be on a stage. When can I be on a stage?"
"Mommy, when is there going to be another fashion show? I really want to be in another fashion show."
Should I be worried?

Yates has no idea that boys don't generally do this. I use at as manners practice for him. Lord knows boys need all the help they can get, before its too late and they're full grown and doing something embarrassing at the table.
Rex is 7 weeks old. He has his days and nights mixed up pretty bad and is going through this terrible night time thing where he fights sleep and gets completely overtired and nutso when we try to get him to sleep. He ends up crying and crying and batting his arms really hard until he falls asleep. Its so bad. He also got cradle cap two days ago. Poor baby. He is still so sweet and has been smiling so much. He makes the cutest noise when I come to get him or pick him up. Its like he is so excited that its me. Love it! I would have a picture of him, but all he does is eat, dirty his diapers and sleep...
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