Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Quoting Stella and Yates #6

Seeing a family in Hawaii on tv, Stella said, "I want to go there, not to eat, but to learn that dance!" Well of course!
All set to color wonder. Her current obession.

Pink told me this about her day today with Yates and I totally see it happening. Yates is super opinionated and bossy! He tells me how to do his zipper on his jacket before his arms are even in or which hat he needs and which way he wants to wear it about breakfast time. He is also particular about which shoes go with certain outfits. Duh!
Pink and Yates were at Sams and he said he was hungry. She offered him the Sams fare of a hot dog or piece of pizza and he chose hot dog. She then asked him if he wanted to eat there at Sams or go somewhere else to eat. He told her "go." She asked him what he wanted to go eat and he told her "ma-ma-owie" (macaroni). So Pink took him to a place to get some. He then had to choose between fish, chicken and steak and the boy chose steak. So after all of that he chose and ate chicken fried steak. What a dude!

Lane let me borrow one of her camera lenses that I am wanting from Ho Ho and I'm in loooove! Yates is a little hard to catch b/c he won't be still. Stella and Sasha are happy to pose. I definitely need more practice but am super excited anyway.

1 comment:

Lane Olson said...

love the pics....good job mama! hope you wrote ho ho a letter.

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