Here's a little story I forgot to write about from a couple of weeks ago. Its a long one so grab a seat.
Wednesdays are my days and I try not to let anything interfere. Both Stella and Yates have their little Parents' Day Out on Wednesday and I am free from 9:00 until 1:50. I always want to make the best use of my day whether that means I do nothing or everything. Oddly, it seems like someone is either sick on my day, or I have a doctor's appointment, or I get stuck doing something for someone else aaaallll day. This particular Wednesday was not going to be ruined. I hadn't had a good Wednesday in a long, long time and I was overdue. Tuesday Yates had fallen asleep in the car and taken a nap with the car on, so I suspected that the battery was down. Smart me thought ahead and had Michael check it and jump it late that night so that I would be problem free the next morning. Good thing because it was totally dead and he was flying out to... I never know where at 6am. We would be stranded if the car didn't work.
Wednesday comes and we have an easy morning and are hustling to the car. I get everyone all buckled in and hop in to start the car... RrrrRrrrRrrr, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. Oh no! Dead! No big deal. I am resourceful and can totally handle this. My housekeeper had just arrived so I asked her to pull her car up in the driveway so we could jump my car. (she and I are equally bad at each others' languages btw) Unfortunately my car is in the middle of the garage and would require 100' jumper cables in its position. Again, no big deal. I'll push it! So I did. Me, big-pregnant-always-having-contractions-or-thinking-my-baby-is-falling-out-me, pushed one of the biggest SUVs on the road out of the garage with my babies in it, ran (sprinted) around to keep it from smashing through the fence and got it just right for the jumper cables. My housekeeper appeared to have never opened her hood before and I am no auto mechanic. However, I was highly motivated and handled both cars like I jump cars everyday ; ). We got it jumped and were off! YAY! Not going to mess up my day!
I take everyone to their schools (just a smidge late, but great considering the workout I've already had) and leave the car running just in case. After everyone is situated, I thought, I better run it by the dealership to make sure I don't get stranded again, since Michael is... wherever he is and of course I don't want to ruin my day.
I pull straight in to the service area, no wait. My nice service guy is there ready to help and "it will just take a second." Perfect. I go to look for those cookies they always have and wait, still unphased. I wait and wait, and stare at their terrible little undecorated Christmas tree, then the news comes. "Um ma'am, your car is not safe to drive. We found a problem with the transmission and I really don't think you should take any chances... especially in your condition. Lets go get you a loaner car." Hmmm. OK. Whatever gets me out of here to enjoy my day.
We go in there, fill out all the stuff, sign here and there, and here are the keys... Oh wait, "Can I see your drivers license?" Sure. I dig and I dig and I dig and... finally find it. Weird, why was it so hard to find? Whatever. "Um ma'am, do you have another drivers license?" "No, why?" "This one is expired." Well I'll say! Exp. 2005!!! What on earth? Thats not the one... Where is my drivers license? Weird!!! Still in my unusually happy mood, I think, no big deal. I'll just call the DMV and have them fax something. Surely they can prove that I am legal to operate a motor vehicle, I mean come on, its MY day!!!
I sachet back to the waiting area to call the DMV. I find the number, completely optimistic, ring, ring, ring, "In observance of Veterans Day all facilities will be closed. Please try back during normal business hours." Veterans Day? What? Seriously? Today? Is this a joke? Can anything else go wrong? So I AM stranded afterall. I have an unsafe vehicle, my husband is... gone, I am not legal to drive an alternative vehicle, my kids are stuck at school and its MY DAY!!! Not good, not good. I go back to find my service guy and ask him to just patch the car up because I gotta go! He raises his eyebrows in the I wouldn't do that if I were you face and does it anyway.
Despite it all, I'm still thinking my day isn't a total loss. I have my car, where shall I go, better check the time... oh no... 1:30... just enough time to make it to pick up Stella.
Fabulous! Another Wednesday down the tubes.
not fun! but so very typical. hope yesterday was better...
shoot!!! seems like that always happens to me, too. last monday when i had the whole day to myself before our trip...of course, something was wrong with brett's car and it was my job to get it fixed...8 hours later it was fixed and my day was gone! next time call me and i'll come pick you up and you can drive my car (or i'll loan you a golf cart for the day ;)
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