Milam, Stella and Yates at the Ice Cream Party
Yates was really into posing for the camera at the party...
Pink and Bop got S and Y these fabulously horrendous little sofas. They adore these things.
In the last few weeks we celebrated Stella's 3rd birthday in true Meredith style. It was like a 5 day birthday bonanza. She had a great time and deserves every bit of it because she is so good, sweet, perfect to us!Stella decorating her arms up Barbie cake while Gigi, Gabby and Bop supervise. All she was worried about for her entire birthday was the decorating. Thats my girl!
Stella has decided to swim alone with floaties. Huge deal! She also jumped of the diving board. Of course Yates wasn't going to be outdone so he jumped off of the diving board too. He is hilarious. Yesterday he slid down that huge 3 story slide all by himself at Pump It Up. Michael was in charge and just let him go. I don't think it would have even occurred to me to let the 16 month old slide down a massive adult slide alone, but he did and he looooooved it!
Have you ever seen a more beautiful ballerina?
SJ, prissing right there in the middle of course.
We have begun ballet lessons. Stella attended a ballet recital in Palestine and has been utterly obsessed with ballet and ballerinas ever since. She is now a real ballerina in training, just ask her. Most days you'll find her decked out in no less than 2 tutus, 3 on a good day. You'll also notice that her has has to be up in a bun like a ballerina every single day. People probably think thats the best we can do, but really, its the only way right now... Her first day at ballet was the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life and I cried about 6 times. Little Yates wants to join the girls in ballet sooooo badly. I can't imagine how boring and crazy it is to him that he can't go in there with the girls. Happy Little Yates ready for bed.
This morning daddy had breakfast in bed and Yates learned a new word. "Syoooo-da-do"... Screwdriver, obviously. We ended our Father's Day with some family golf in the back yard. I hope Gabby approves : )
Yates and "Daddo" working on the swing
She looks like she might know what she's doing, if she could get that club facing the right direction.
Meredith, Congratulations on the new baby! I'm sure you guys are thrilled and this baby will be just as cute as Stella and Yates. Hope to see you next time I am in Dallas. Kelly
whoohoo. new baby! if anyone can do a 3,2 and 0 year old it's you.
wow- congrats on the baby news!!!! love the pics!
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