Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

My men swimming at Pink and Bop's house on the 4th.  Yates looooves to swim and he loves his swimsuit from Aunt Lane.
The 4th weekend was fun.  We went to Palestine and stayed a few days, played in the pool lots and did fireworks at the farm.  This was the first year Stella really even realized there were fireworks.  She couldn't stay awake long enough to see them last year or the year before.  But she made up for missing the last 2 years this year.  She loved the fireworks and even did 3 biiig sparklers all by herself.  She's getting so big : (
Yates on the other hand, did not enjoy the fireworks at all.  Well thats not entirely true.  He liked the Palestine fireworks display we could see over the treeline, but he did not like the up close fireworks at all!!!  He cried and cried and cried.  He startles easily anyway, so big bangs, pops, whistles, explosions and little kids squealing was not his bag.  Not to mention the fact that it was way past his bed time.  Poor thing.
I guess Yates was thirsty and Stella was being a good big sister and getting him a drink of pool water.  Yum.

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