Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Holy Moly

Bop strikes again and Stella couldn't be happier!  What a lucky little bean!  I mean of course... I would have just died for one of these when I was little.  I have even had a good bit of fun playing on this thing.  The slide is really fun and fast.  We've even had Sasha on the slide and she thinks its fun too.  It's so much fun that Stella calls the whole gizmo "blue slide."  
For those of you thinking this mini mansion o' fun looks like a good idea... let me just forewarn you.  It came in 5 boxes, every single piece had to be put together.  I would think that they could have at least put the chains on the swings or maybe the wooden steps on the rope ladder, but no.  One of the bags of screws had 710 screws in it and that was just bag A... only one of the bags labelled A - N,  AND it came with an instructional DVD!!!!  Of course we didn't watch that and it took 2 solid days with 3 people working on it to get the thing together, 3 trips to Lowe's, new pneumatic tools, saw horses, a shovel, levels, squares, ladders, drills, clamps, sunscreen and lots of beers for the daddies.  
All in all, I really do think it was worth it.  We can't wait to see what fun brother will have and are already prepared to see some climbing onto the roof and jumping off action.
During a brief break from Blue Slide, Stella was kind enough to read a book to Yates.  He was a very good listener and she was a very good sweet "reader."
A couple more things... remember what happened last Wednesday?  Someone (Stella) had a major - entire breakfast - have to go home - throw up accident in the car.  Well its Wednesday again and guess what happened?  Yates had an equally disasterous, outing-ending - go home tear apart the car seat and bathe the baby -  throw up in the car.  It wouldn't be quite so bad if it was like, uh oh, someone threw up.  Lets get a wipe and clean it up.  But its not even close to that.  It's like oh my gosh.... try not to panic, race home, strip everyone and everything in the vicinity of the throw up, clean it, lysol wipe everything, take the car seat apart and then be stuck at home for the entire day b/c we are waiting for the car seat to wash and dry.  Ugh.  Seriously, what is the deal?  I don't particularly care for dismantling drenched car seats, but I'm getting really good at it.  
And finally, my peonies bloomed!!!! YAY!!!  I am so excited : )  The pictures won't upload for some reason, but I'll add them later.  Ta-ta.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

not again...

it really is amazing how you can look up and its 3:30!  where did the day go?  i'll tell you.  it went to changing 17 million poopie diapers and to scouring the car, carseat and all its tiny parts and stella b/c she threw up big time in the car again!  luckily she had just thrown a fit to open a container with 84 foam letter and numbers in it and threw them on the floor, right in the perfect place for throw up to land on all of them.  seriously!  omg.  so sick!  she did this once before and it was terrible.  this time its triple terrible b/c michael is in houston and i have 2 babies!  ugh.  thankfully brother was very sweet and patiently sat in his carseat while i stripped stella and her carseat in the drive way.  
i loooove jon and kate plus 8 and i wonder what she does if someone throws up in the car.  thinking about her and being thankful that its michael and meredith plus 2 instead of plus 8 helped me just get over the disaster and clean it up.  i have a thousand things to do.  the carseat is still completely apart and needing to get in the washing machine and i'm soaking 84 pieces of foam in the sink... ta-ta.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Semi-Celebrity Week

I went from having nothing at all to say to having more to say than time to type. So here I go. I never ever ever ever see famous people. Other people do and I wonder if I just don't recognize them. So this week I ran into 3 barely famous people and I'm so excited.

I saw Phil Stacy, an American Idol loser and Marion Lee from Project Runway. Phil was dorky. He was at the galleria with some weird dudes and he was walking around singing and trying to draw attention to himself. Ok... we see you. Goodness. Marion was at Barneys (where else would he be?) with a guy that had so many tattoos on his face that I almost ran into a rack of clothes from staring so hard. I almost missed Marion (who is from Tyler of all places on the planet) b/c of tattoo guy. But anyway, I was so excited to see him b/c Project Runway is my very favorite show on TV. Then the least famous, but best was "Maren's Mom." One of the little girls in Stella's mother's day out is in ads for hotslings. They are the one's pictured above "everyday." Anyway, she gave me some sling advice and Yates rode in his sling for about 2 hours today. He even had a nap! Before he would cry and stick his legs out straight when I tried to put him in it. Having 2 hands was huge!! That is why she was the best barely famous person of the week.

So now for the important things. Yates and Stella... sweet sweet babies.

Yates is such a man. Its so cute. He is always so hot and sweaty and is the most tickelish person I have ever known in my life. He laughs and smiles all the time and its so funny. Also, he is huge! His size 2 diapers don't even reach around him, he is barely squeezing into 9 m clothes and he has been sleeping in Stella's 12-18 m t-shirts at night (b/c he gets too hot in anything else.) He has done some big things this week. He sat in his bumbo, did the sling, played in the jumperoo (loved it) and right now he is taking a nap on the bed all by himself for the 1st time ever! Yay!

The cutest thing Stella does right now is count. If you ask her how many, she says 5,8,9. If there are only 2 things, the answer is 5,8. She knows how many 2 is and will tell you that there are 2 of something, but if she's going to actually count the 2 things its 5,8. So funny! Her other 2 big accomplishments are that we are leaving the mammas in her crib and we tried pull ups. She never thinks twice about it when we ask her to leave the mammas in the bed. When she's sleepy she asks for them and is happy to see them at nap and bed time. Going without the mammas is huge. I'm so excited to be doing well without them. I bought her some pull ups this week and she loves wearing them, but doesn't quite get it yet, so we'll wait a bit on those. I wish I could write about all of the cute and smart things she does, but if I did that I would be missing all of the things. Sorry its taken me so long to write...
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