Today after school Stella was standing in the kitchen drawing at one of the bar stools... wearing a regular dress AND her Belle dress AND her huge tutu of course:
bonk - what Y says anytime he bumps or hurts any body part
bibbe - baby
gut - goat
muck - milk
Ott - outside
Mama - his blanket
The Things They Say...
"Its not going to take forever [to get to Gigi and Gabby's] because see how my hands are getting closer, thats how we're getting closer to where Gigi and Gabby live, b/c they live in Houston." 6.25.09
"Gigi and Pink are not grandmothers, they are girls. They have to grow white hair to be grandmothers." 6.23.09
"Mommy I think I see a pony over there dressed up like a llama." Easter Egg Hunt 2009, when we were parking and spotted a llama in the petting zoo area.
Stella's Favorite Phrases
"So happy" - Stella loves to announce the things that make everyone so happy.
"Aww So Funny" = She says this anytime someone says something funny. We think, how did she know that was supposed to be funny?
"Aww Cocka Bum, (enter name), Come Owwwn Now" = When someone does something dumb.
"Five, Eight, Nine, Go" = 1,2,3 Go
"Peeny called Pooony" = She loves to correct herself and tell us what things are really called.
"And then go mall park" = She says this at least once every day b/c she loves to go play at the galleria.
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