Monday, November 23, 2009


Painting Some Pajamas Pink... not wait, thats Dr. Seuss. Painting Pinecones in Pajamas!
I never ever ever make a Thanksgiving list of things I am thankful for. #1 It never even occurs to me until I am asked the question and totally on the spot. #2 If I ever did make a list, I would probably cry. #3 Any list I make is chore or grocery oriented.
However, this year I am super "thanky." I'll be driving the car and think, "thank goodness ____! or I am so glad that ____!" So I thought I would share a couple to memorialize the one year I was on top of thankfulness.

Yates with his caterpillar. He doesn't "love" bugs. SJ on the other hand LOVES them.
  • I am so thankful that my babies are perfect in every way... healthy, smart, safe, loved, happy, sweet, adorable, individuals, determined, decisive, hilarious, entertaining, eager, energetic.
  • I am so thankful that I am married to a wonderful husband. Every once in a while I see single people and I think of how much I would hate to be single and dating. Ugh, torture, going out late, getting all snazzed up, spending a bunch of money, having your hair smell like "go out," sifting through losers. Can not imagine! I also don't know how I would survive at home without Michael. He is so good at so many things but is really amazing around the house. I love that he cares about taking care of things and can mow, weed eat, mulch, clean out the garage, wash the cars, chop some wood, pull some weeds, organize the attic, install some stereo equipment and do a load of laundry in the time it takes me to find a pen to start my To Do List.
  • I am so thankful to have a dream house as a home. So many people have so little and we truly are blessed to live so comfortably. I went through such a grumpy period trying to get this house completed that I really wasn't able to enjoy it. Now that that part is behind us, I do love my new house.
  • I am thankful for my car. Sounds weird, but I am the type of person that "needs" a new car just about the time the new car smell wears off of my current car. For some reason, lately I have been so happy with my car. I can't really explain it b/c I don't even understand it myself. I am just super content with Big Black.
  • I am thankful for good cleaning products. This house has so much white in it and we have lots of dirty fingerprint makers.
  • I am thankful that Stella loves, loves, loves her school. I've never seen anything like it. Thank you Good Shepherd!
  • I am thankful that Yates didn't cry at all when I dropped him off at his school last week. First time ever and it was major!
  • I am thankful that I still have this baby number 3 in my belly. Sometimes I feel like he's barely hanging on in there. I recently got a new outlook from a highly unlikely source. An ex-coworker of Michael's reminded me in a conversation that my real and only goal is to make it to the end of the pregnancy. I had been so caught up in my to do's and errands I had lost sight of the real goal. So I'm also thankful for the real-goal-reminder.
  • I am thankful that my animals have gotten a handle on their eliminating in the house issues. I have scrubbed rugs and scrubbed rugs and am glad that I am not scrubbing rugs right now!
  • Of course I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that my mom will come and drop her life to help me. I am thankful that both of our families are so generous and thoughtful. I am thankful that we will all get to spend Thanksgiving together.
Looking a little manic, but hey, they're hugging.
Ok, so thats good for now. I only cried a little and probably missed some obvious things, but at least I thought about it for once!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Yates. He always seems to end up with no clothes.
I don't know why I can't keep up with this blog all of a sudden. I have a few good guesses, but really wish I was doing a better job. We've just been super busy and super sleepy I guess.

Yates is getting so big! I always say that, but he is. He has been tee-teeing on the potty really well lately, but absolutely does not want to #2 on the potty. He proved it several days by telling us over and over that he wasn't going to do it and then by holding it for days at a time. No big deal. This is just intense practice in preparation for Baby Rex. I think Yates could potty train all the way right now, but the holidays are impossible and I don't want to torture him and everyone else unnecessarily.
Sweet Yates, just saying "cheese."
He is so into trucks and diggers and most of all jeeps. The boy can spot a jeep at 200 yards, I swear. I never realized how many jeeps are on the road, but am so thankful that they're out there. I don't know what we would do in the car if we weren't jeep spotting. We also go visit some diggers doing a water line replacement a few streets away on a fairly regular basis. Its gotten so bad, that Y knows when we're getting close to the street and starts screaming to go see them. I'm thankful they're there too... and they're actually working and loud and all things cool. We usually go by to visit after ballet. Its only fair. If Y has to sit through ballet, then S can stare at some diggers for a bit.
Stella admiring her makeup before the fashion show.
Stella Jane is hilarious as usual. She's pretty much runs on a steady behavior cycle. She'll be really good and gradually worsen over about 2 months until, bam, she's in big trouble. She gets some serious discipline and we're back on track. We just ended a cycle, so she's being an angel right now. Last weekend she made her runway debut at Nordstrom. They had a children's fashion show and I signed her up. I was feeling a little bit stage mom/pageant-ish, but it turned out great. She has been dying to "be in a fashion show" so there. She did it and she did a great job! Here's a video of her walk:
Michael and I finished up our Christmas shopping today! YAY! We wanted to get it all taken care of before Thanksgiving and we did it! What a huge relief. Waddling pregnant through the mall is really not fun to me. I did it with Yates and that was plenty. This time around, I'm looking for strategic parking and doing in and out superfast missions. No lolly-gagging around, backtracks or extra steps for Pete's sake.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Quoting Stella #5

Today after picking up Yates from school Stella saw a white Range Rover parked on the side of the street and said, "Mommy is that Hummer?"
"No" I said, "Its a Range Rover."
"Its a what?"
"A Range Rover, just like the one Gigi and Gabby have."
She put her hand over her mouth and gasped and said, "Ooooh, that is the cutest thing I have EVER seen!! There sure are a lot of cute cars around here!"

After a visit to Pink and Bop's she came home with an announcement to make.
"Mommy, I learned a new word!"
"You did? What is it?"
Very carefully she says, "NU-CLE-AR FI-SSION"
"What is Nuclear Fission?"
"Its what makes the sun glow."

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

skimming the surface

Ready for school
"Princess Butterfly"
Princess Butterfly singing and Caterpillar fussing about a ring with lip gloss in it.
Walking in the neighborhood Halloween Parade with Daddy and Sasha.
Sharing Candy, so sweet...
There are so many things I have just skipped over on the blog. Bad, bad, bad. I skipped the fun trip to the State Fair, my birthday, Halloween, and plenty of good stuff in between.
The trick to keeping up with the blog is simple. First, make sure you have a little bit of time to think and find photos. Second, make sure you aren't too tired or too grumpy to write something coherent and pleasant. Lately I have been failing miserably for those two key reasons.
Today, sick and tired of being 2000 degrees fahrenheit, I ended up spending all day in the same thing I wore yesterday evening and the same thing I slept in. Yes, it was the same "outfit". And yes, I did go out in public, all over the place. SICK! But you know what, I wasn't nearly as hot. I think I'm hotter now at 7+ months pregnant when its 80 out, than when I was only a little pregnant and it was 100 out. blah, blah, blah.
The highlight of my torturous day today was seeing the Bush's housekeeper out walking the Bush puppies, Barney and Miss Beasley.
I was able to enjoy this site only because both babies had fallen asleep in the car after another not-so-fun-for-mommy day. I wasn't about to wake them up b/c I had seriously had enough.

Pregnant Mommy's 31st birthday picture, don't laugh.
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