Tuesday was one of the most overwhelming days ever! I could go into painful detail, but I'll spare you. I'll just say that I was about to take SJ to the ER b/c she was freaking out, irrational, irate, hysterical, inconsolable, frantic, nutso for a good 6 hours. So, yes, Yates did smash her in the eye with a metal Eiffel Tower that caused a lot of bleeding and crying, but it was not something that should necessarily make you go completely pyscho for an entire day. Keep in mind that Yates is full blown into doing, saying, copying whatever Stella does. So all of this behavior was 2x! It was so bad, Stella refused to go into her ballet class (her Mecca). We were dressed, there, ready to go in and instead she threw herself down on the floor in a very impressive kicking, flailing, SCREAMING tantrum in front of God and everybody. We left ballet and she is going to be devastated when she doesn't get a reward from her teacher for perfect attendance.
The only way I survived was by finally strapping both of them down in their car seats and driving around crying with the windows down for a few hours. Good Lord! Michael got home from work and somehow talked SJ down from her meltdown, thank goodness.
Wednesday morning, both babies were perfect angels, excited about school and sweet as could be. They don't have any idea how close they came to being shipped off to the glue factory or wherever you send bad kids. Nevertheless, I packed their little heinie-bos up and shipped them off to Pink and Bop's house.
I will be lolling about, staring at the wall, sitting down and swinging my leg, shopping, doing whatever I want until Saturday afternoon if anyone needs me.
There must be some fabulous good times awaiting me. I have earned it!