Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Belated New Year...

So doing a better job at blogging obviously wasn't on my New Years resolution list. I do want to do better but a resolution probably won't help.
It has been a loooong time. Rex turned one on Thursday!!! We celebrated with Bop and Pink and a highly inappropriate kids birthday dinner at NHS Grille. The adults enjoyed themselves as best as we could. The kids just hung in there. Luckily Yates loves calamari (strange b/c he is uber picky) if you can order it plain, Stella loves mac and cheese and bread and Rex will eat anything that he can catch. We had a group birthday cake baking effort and opened presents.

I love taking the babies pictures when I wake them up on their birthdays. Here is Rex's 1st of many...

Rex doing his 1st Birthday masterpiece. I love these so much...

Having a little birthday cake with Stella and Daddy

Opening a present

Yates documenting...

Our little mini party pales in comparison to what a precious baby Rex is. He deserves fireworks and a full circus, sweet, sweet boy. He loves his big brother and sister and tries all day every day to be and do just like them. He actually keeps up really well and is going to be one tough cookie. He is almost always in such a good humor and does so well putting up with our hectic schedules and the terrible nappus interuptus situation. Rex is always smiling. He is very good at making copy cat sounds, but doesn't have any actual words... except Dada. When I ask him to say Mommy, he says Dada. Michael loves it and its fine with me. He is our sweet little baby and can just stay that way.

I don't know what it is about the turning of the calendar but it is fabulous. Whoever came up with resolutions, thank you. We all know that resolutions are hard to stick to, but just the idea of a fresh start, another chance is such a relief. I have wiped my slate clean from 2010 and am trying desperately to work every day on my resolutions. I am desperate to focus on art and creativity this year. I enrolled in an abstract art class and hope to hone my art and really find my true style.
2011 is also the year to go as natural and organic as I can. I have always had a preference for fruits and vegetables and whole/healthy/unprocessed foods. The thought of what is actually in processed foods just turns my stomach. Pesticides, chemicals, meat processing, high fructose corn syrup... all of that irks me. I hope that offering my family "real" food will teach them the correct way to eat and make them all healthier overall.
And finally, I want to work on my stress management... whatever that entails... I will be doing it. Lots of deep breaths and counting to 10 I guess. Happy New Year!


Lane Olson said...

wish i would have thought to do birthday photos and fun and cute! good luck on your resolutions :) if we can go a year without having a baby we can do anything, right?

A New Way Of Life... said...

OMGah look at all that hair! He has gotten so big!! Missing all of you and hear about sweet Stella every time I talk to mom :)

Unknown said...

M---You are such a gorgeous human being. I love it. Reading your blog makes me happy. You do all of the fabulous things with your babies, that I just can't do. Carter has that same happy 3rd baby disposition. Check out Clean Eating magazine. I think youll like it. They have lots of quick and easy clean recipes too. Jodey and the kids don't love all of them, but they like the majority. This last months issue was great! I just posted a little treat for you on my FB page too. haaaaa!
Love you! M.

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