Thursday, August 05, 2010


SJ reading to Rex

This was a bit of our dinner conversation Thursday night:

Yates: "Mommy, where did I get my blue truck?"
Me: "Gigi and Gabby at Christmas."
Yates: "Oh... Where did I get my 'Light-ing Mic King tar'?"
Me: "Ummm, I don't remember."
Michael: "Target, Buddy. It came from Target."
Yates: "Oh... Mommy! This came from Tardet!"
Me: "Oh, ok, great."
Yates: "Mommy, Where did I get my 'darbage' man truck?"
Me: "Pink and Bop at Christmas."
Yates: "Oh......... Mommy, where did we get our people?"
Me: "Our people? What?"
Yates: "Yeah, like me, Dallah, Bex, Daddy, Sasha."
Stella: "God made the people and we 'buyed' the dogs!"

Some guys Michael works with parked a four wheeler on a trailer at our house for a few hours one day. Yates was in heaven. He climbed on it in the 100 degree blazing hot weather for an hour asking me what every button, fender, screw, knob, hinge, bolt, light, hose... did. At one point I pointed to the trailer and asked Yates if it indeed was a trailer since we had identified every other thing out there and he tilted his head to the side, squinted and said, "Yeah, it should be."

Rex = overachiever. He's trying so hard to crawl but first he had to master pushups.

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